Analysis of A Serious Case Review

After the decision of the court, the defendant has the right to plead not guilty within 30 days. This thing is known as a case review. The main purpose of a case review is to get an idea of whether the charge can be resolved or not. On the other hand, if we talk about a serious case review, then we come to know that this is a special type of the case review which is carried out by LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children Board). These kinds of cases are held for review when there is a suspicion of the child’s abuse, dead of a child, and some serious harms of the child. If you don’t know how to analyze a serious case review, then you can get help from experts in academic writing services. An analysis of a serious case review is given below; 
As we have discussed earlier that a serious case review is carried out by LSCB. The LSCB carry out such kind of case review only when they suspect some kind of abuses or harms in a particular case. In these abuses or harms, there come the death of a child and the harms on a child from a working organization. The LSCB also carry out a case review when they come to know that a child dies under the custody of police or any other organization. They also carry out a case review when they think that a child is died due to the violations of Mental Health Act of 1983. According to this act, at the age of 16 and 17, the children are free to take their decisions. Someone can’t enforce their own decisions on them.

Now, a question comes to the minds of the people that what is the purpose behind serious case reviews. The answer to this question is that the main purpose of a serious case review is to ensure the protection of the children at the workplace and at any other organization. With the help of these essential kinds of case reviews, the LSCB is trying to provide the basic needs to the children. These reviews will provide them with an idea that what changes are required in the laws and what are the possible ways to get rid of abuses and harmful acts. The main purpose of this organization is to provide a safe environment for the children instead of criminal investigation and apportion blames.

At last, there comes the procedure which is adapted to carry out a serious case review. The first step to carry out a serious case review is to recognize all the serious and complex circumstances regarding the safety of the children. Secondly, it is necessary for them to get an idea about those organizations which are not obeying these laws. Thirdly, their aim is to understand the viewpoints of different organizations regarding these laws. Fourthly, it is necessary for an organization to provide the best way for data collection and analysis. At last, there comes an effective research about the analysis of the evidence and findings.

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